70-547CSharp Exam Information
Exam Number/Code : 70-547CSharp
Exam Name : PRO:Design and Develop Web-Basd Apps by Using MS.NET Frmwk
Published: May 26, 2006
Language(s): English, French, German, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified)
Audience(s): Developers
Technology: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Type: Proctored Exam
70-547CSharp Exam Skills Being Measured
70-547CSharp exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below.The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam.
Envisioning and Designing an Application
Designing and Developing a User Interface
Designing and Developing a Component
Designing and Developing an Application Framework
Deploying and Supporting an Application
Itcerthome 70-547CSharp Exam
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